In the captivating documentary, The Longest Goodbye’ Filmmaker Ido Mizrahy combines the need for human connectivity and the desire for future space travel.
The human need for connection collides with the inspiration for space travel to Mars in filmmaker Ido Mizrahy’s thought-provoking documentary.
What does an astronaut miss the most during their six-month research stints on the International Space Station (ISS)? The answer at the start of filmmaker Ido Mizrahy’s captivating science documentary The Longest Goodbye may surprise you.
“I really miss the sound of rain,” a NASA astronaut shares, gazing at the Earth from the ISS station. “Why would someone want to be here for a full year?”
Director/co-writer Ido Mizrahy puts the human need for connectivity front and center in his captivating documentary The Longest Goodbye, premiering in the World Cinema Documentary Competition at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival. It’s the perfect Sundance movie considering the return of an onsite festival after two COVID-19-related in-person shutdowns. The Longest Goodbye emphasizes the psychological and physical needs driving people to connect. People need to gather with other people. That’s the core idea behind The Longest Goodbye. It’s also the idea at the heart of the 2023 Sundance Film Festival. What will…