How Do You Know You’re Ready to Launch a Podcast?

9 min readJul 15, 2022

You’re ready to launch a podcast (or two) when your creativity ignites.

The Script Shop podcast team attends the PoD Discovery(s) festival in Cincinnati to celebrate the art of screenwriting. Photo by Kailah Ware.

Business analysts, entertainment reporters, and podcast publishers agree. Popularity for podcasts continues to surge and drive listener growth. Advertisers keep moving their ad buys to podcasts as podcast audiences grow in diversity and size. Podcast communities are growing with exciting genres like wellness and serial entertainment. It’s no wonder you want to jump on the trend.

Chances are you know the necessary steps for launching a podcast, from sonic branding to production strategies and distribution choices to audience development. There’s a critical question for you to answer before hiring a podcast studio team or buying that top-rated microphone. How do you know you’re ready to launch a podcast? Your answer may at first feel trite. Maybe you’re having a hard time focusing on one reason. Believe me. There are no “wrong” answers as long as they feel significant to you. Remember that initial response you scrubbed as predictable. The reasons for tackling a podcast are dynamic. A rationale that first feels commonplace shifts to something innovative after strategizing your podcast.

Learn four reasons you know you’re ready to launch a podcast. Circle and share the reason that best fits you.




Steve Ramos is an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in storytelling. He previously worked as an award-winning journalist.